
The story of Cloud started when the renowned hormone specialist and running enthusiast John Palette founded the Biochemistry Lab at the University of Somehampton. His first creation was an experimental running T-shirt that changes color to signal marathon runners when they near hazardous exhaustion levels.

After the success of this experiment, Palette joined with Paul Designerson, a graduate of Somehampton Design School, to create the Cloud Casual T-shirt.

The rest is history.

The story of Cloud started when the renowned hormone specialist and running enthusiast John Palette founded the Biochemistry Lab at the University of Somehampton. His first creation was an experimental running T-shirt that changes color to signal marathon runners when they near hazardous exhaustion levels.

After the success of this experiment, Palette joined with Paul Designerson, a graduate of Somehampton Design School, to create the Cloud Casual T-shirt.

The rest is history.

