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Paula Balemey


Agniezska McFly


Knows everything about her local coffee market, helps us negotiate with farmers.



Our main salesperson, she can sell a cup of coffee faster than you can say “bean”.


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7. Using Google’s opportunities

For the project’s technical support we relied heavily on existing capabilities, such as:

Google App based solutions

We attract third-party developers using the resources of Google App. In particular, we use a system called Appointy, created along the lines of API Google Calendar.

Google App

Includes a corporate email, shared documents, calendar management, and other features.

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8. Contacts

Agniezska McFly


Hong Kong: +000 0000 0000

Moscow: +7 000 000 0000

Address: 0000, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai

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