series of editorials on prominent designers

one of the leading artists of the digital age, april greiman was among the first to embrace computer technology as a design tool, developing it in transmedia projects that yoke the rationality of european modernism with the disruptiveness of california new wave.

April Greiman wearing a hat, looking into camera

Portrait of April Greiman from Apple Macintosh 30 years anniversary campaign.



born in New York


Words Schule für Gestaltung Basel underlined with thick black lines

accepted to the Basel School of Design


starts teaching at the Philadelphia College of Art


moves to Los Angeles and establishes the multidisciplinary practice Made in Space

Business card for Made in Space. Words Made in Space on a light gray background

Business card made in Space.


becomes a head of the design department at the California Institute of the Arts;

makes a poster for 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles

Poster for 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. Legs of a runner with blue sky behind