Gail Anderson (born 1962) is an American graphic designer based in New York.

Gail Anderson (born 1962) is an American graphic designer based in New York.

She worked for Rolling Stone from 1987 to 2002, achieving the position of senior art director. She also designed a number of book covers, Broadway music show posters and a postage stamp commemorating the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Anderson is the chair of Design and Advertising faculties at the School of Visual Arts in NY.

She worked for Rolling Stone from 1987 to 2002, achieving the position of senior art director. She also designed a number of book covers, Broadway music show posters and a postage stamp commemorating the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. Anderson is the chair of Design and Advertising faculties at the School of Visual Arts in NY.

Gail Anderson. Photo by Declan Van Welie. Courtesy of Gail Anderson.

Gail Anderson. Photo by Declan Van Welie. Courtesy of Gail Anderson.

Rolling Stone magazine spread, 1997: Marilyn Manson. Art director: Fred Woodward. Designers: Fred Woodward, Gail Anderson. Photographer: Matt Mahurin.

Rolling Stone magazine spread, 1997: Marilyn Manson. Art director: Fred Woodward. Designers: Fred Woodward, Gail Anderson. Photographer: Matt Mahurin.

“Most of what I do is typography-driven, whether it’s through type-play or working with hierarchies in editorial content. More and more, I’m interested in creating editorial content as much as designing it—I’m all about communication through design,” Anderson said in an interview with Inside Design. For much of her career at Rolling Stone, working with art director Fred Woodward, Anderson fine-tuned her typographic expressionism, devising quirky letterforms out of traditional and non-traditional materials. In 2015, Princeton Architectural Press published Outside the Box, Anderson’s book dedicated to hand-drawn packaging. The book explores one of the biggest trends in the packaging design world today: visual authenticity.

“Most of what I do is typography-driven, whether it’s through type-play or working with hierarchies in editorial content. More and more, I’m interested in creating editorial content as much as designing it—I’m all about communication through design,” Anderson said in an interview with Inside Design. For much of her career at Rolling Stone, working with art director Fred Woodward, Anderson fine-tuned her typographic expressionism, devising quirky letterforms out of traditional and non-traditional materials. In 2015, Princeton Architectural Press published Outside the Box, Anderson’s book dedicated to hand-drawn packaging. The book explores one of the biggest trends in the packaging design world today: visual authenticity.

Some of Gail’s work for Rolling Stone. Illustration by Alex Ostroy.

Some of Gail’s work for Rolling Stone. Illustration by Alex Ostroy.

A page spread of Outside the Box book.

A page spread of Outside the Box book.